Beta Blasters! live at the NBJ Summit

We brought Beta Blasters! to this year's Nutrition Business Journal Summit in Rancho Palos Verdes, California.

This month we touched down in Rancho Palos Verdes, California for the annual Nutrition Business Journal Summit—an event which brings together nutrition industry experts from around the world to share ideas in an innovative and collaborative environment.

We were floored by this event, and by the amazing collection of talent and vision showcased by speakers and attendees alike. We can’t count the engaging conversations wehad surrounding the future of the nutrition industry and the ever-growing excitement around carotenoids’ role within that future.

Inspiring many of these conversations was the custom-built arcade cabinet for our carotenoid-themed game Beta Blasters!, which was prominently placed for summit attendees to enjoy. One by one, individuals excitedly tried their hand at playing as Captain Blake C. Trispora, battling nasty hemogoblins and free radicals on a quest to defeat the evil Emperor Oxide.

The more people played, the more we were able to educate them about the benefits of some of favorite allies, like Lieutenant Lutina (lutein), Master Xanthin (astaxanthin), Fight O’ Fluene (phytofluene), and of course Lord Lycopene (lycopene). We also showcased the benefits of carotenoid rich fruits and veggies by giving the player a powerup for collecting cherries, watermelon, oranges, broccoli, cabbage, and pumpkins.

Though many played Beta Blasters! ultimately there could be only one champion at the NBJ Summit. That winner was Taylor James of CV Sciences, who blasted away the competition with his whopping score of 375,845. By winning the highest Beta Blasters! score of the NBJ Summit, he also won our grand prize—$5,000 donated to an HMR charity of his choice. Congratulations Taylor! You’ve used your gaming expertise to win a generous gift for a great cause.

If you weren’t able to try your hand at Beta Blasters! At the NBJ Summit, don’t worry. We’ll be showcasing its gaming glory again at SupplySide West from November 6th – 10th in Las Vegas.

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