Effect of Tomato Nutrient Complex on Blood Pressure: A Double Blind, Randomized Dose⁻Response Study

Oxidative stress is implicated in the pathogenesis of essential hypertension, a risk factor for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Tomato carotenoids such as lycopene and the colorless carotenoids phytoene and phytofluene induce the antioxidant defense mechanism. This double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study aimed to find effective doses of Tomato Nutrient Complex (TNC) to maintain normal blood pressure … Continued

43 CrossRef citations to date 3 Altmetric Original Articles Synergistic Anti-Oxidative Effects of Lycopene with Other Bioactive Compounds

Lycopene belongs to the carotenoid family, which has more than 700 members. In human serum, only 14 caroteinoids have been identified, and, among these, lycopene was the most abundant. Lycopene is regarded as one of the most efficient singlet oxygen quencher and peroxyl radical scavenger of all the carotenoids and may represent an important defense … Continued

Lycopene inhibits disease progression in patients with benign prostate hyperplasia

Lycopene is a promising nutritional component for chemoprevention of prostate cancer (PCa). A possibly beneficial role of lycopene in patients diagnosed with benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), who are at increased risk of developing PCa, has been suggested, although clinical data are lacking. Therefore, this pilot study aimed to investigate the effects of lycopene supplementation in … Continued

The anti-cancer effects of carotenoids and other phytonutrients resides in their combined activity

Epidemiological studies have consistently shown that regular consumption of fruits and vegetables is strongly associated with reduced risk of developing chronic diseases, such as cancer. It is now accepted that the actions of any specific phytonutrient alone do not explain the observed health benefits of diets rich in fruits and vegetables as nutrients that were … Continued

Supplementation with the antioxidant lycopene significantly decreases oxidative stress parameters and the bone resorption marker N-telopeptide of type I collagen in postmenopausal women

To date, no intervention studies have been published demonstrating the effect of the antioxidant lycopene on bone. Postmenopausal women supplemented with lycopene had significantly increased antioxidant capacity and decreased oxidative stress and the bone resorption marker N-telopeptide (NTx). Lycopene decreases bone resorption markers and may reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

Lycopene and other carotenoids inhibit estrogenic activity of 17 β-estradiol and genistein in cancer cells

Epidemiological evidence suggests that carotenoids prevent several types of cancer, including mammary and endometrial cancers. On the other hand, such studies have also shown that estrogens are the most important risk factors for these cancer types. Genistein, the phytoestrogen mainly found in soy, also shows significant estrogenic activity when tested at concentrations found in human … Continued