Natural supplements for skincare. New conversation about beauty by Lycored

 Lycored, industry leaders in cultivating wellness at the forefront of the ingestible skincare supplement market, today launched a video to support its latest body of skin health research supporting LycodermTM. The video is the beginning of something beautiful, seeking to change how people define and see beauty in themselves, drawing on their own experiences instead … Continued

Carotenoids supplements for skin health

We’re frequently told to “love the skin we’re in,” but how often do we really practice that? Over the years, Lycored has come to realize that maintaining skin health and wellness is a lifelong journey that begins on the inside, the home of our “inner glow.” We created our ingestible skincare research and our proprietary … Continued

Lycored’s skincare survey – cycle of glow

Lycored has conducted a consumer survey to check what the end users believe will keep their skin healthy shiny and glow. Zev Ziegler, Head of Global Brand & Marketing, Health at Lycored, said: “Consumers are looking for a healthy glow but they know they can’t always get it from a tube. Increasingly they understand the link … Continued

Lycored bring some glow to skin care in Vitafoods Europe

The international wellness company is at the forefront of the ingestible supplements for skincare market. Its latest research revealed how supplementation with LycodermTM, the company’s carotenoid-rich tomato nutrient complex, allows for the proper nourishment of body and skin, while also balancing the skin’s response to UV rays. (1) Lycored has created an interactive pop-up experience … Continued

Omega 3 and Lycopene – new patent in the U.S by Lycored

This new patent is a composition comprising of omega-3 fatty acid with a tomato extract lycopene, or Lycomato®, and optionally with carnosic acid and/or lutein; wherein said combination has been found to be synergistic in balancing general inflammatory processes in the human body. Specifically, the compositions could be used to inhibit inflammatory markers by suppressing … Continued