Lycored Lumenato Emulsions Broadens Customer’s Horizons

In the last few years, Lumenato, our skin structure hero, has hit the news cycle several times with 2 new studies released in the last 2 years demonstrating its benefits for skin. Now Lycored is happy to present a new delivery format:  Lumenato Emulsion! 

May2024 Newsletter

Explore our naturally derived food ingredients We’re proud to offer ingredients that enhance the taste, texture, and composition of various food applications. Sourced from our tomatoes, these ingredients upgrade your food naturally. Our real food ingredients help create a delightful sensory experience for your customers to enjoy and share. Innovating for the informed consumer Our … Continued

April 2024 Newsletter

Better Together: Lumenato and Ceramides. The recent pre-clinical study in Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology highlights the impressive benefits to skin structure from Lycored’s Lumenato® combined with ceramides. The study demonstrates that even minimal concentrations of ceramides, in synergy with Lumenato, provide substantial protection against collagen loss.   Fortifying foods: making a success of it … Continued

The stakes of food fortification

Nutritional deficiencies can gravely impact one’s life, especially for mothers-to-be and young children. Food fortification is one of the tools that can be used to curb those effects.

March 2024 Newsletter

Replacing Red Dye No. 3. In October 2023, California signed a law banning the use of four food additives that have been raising concerns among consumers. One of these additives is red dye No. 3, typically used in confectionery products. While consumers welcome this move, it could have a significant impact on the food industry. … Continued

2027 Challenge: Replacing Red Dye No. 3

Artificial red dyes, especially red dye No.3, have been under growing scrutiny in the United States for the past few decades. In light of those concerns, some states are moving to ban the use of red dye No. 3. California has been leading the charge as it announced its ban on October 2023.