The WOW Factor
As a Love Letter Concierge, our very own Brian Yamamura experienced our #rethinkbeautiful movement firsthand. He reflected on his time on the road, and what it meant to him.
As a Love Letter Concierge, our very own Brian Yamamura experienced our #rethinkbeautiful movement firsthand. He reflected on his time on the road, and what it meant to him:
When was the last time you wrote a Love Letter…to yourself? For over ten months, traveling back and forth across the country on the Lycored Letters of Love Tour, our Love Letter Concierges, Ambassadors, and I had the privilege to engage people with this very question. We challenged them to #rethinkbeautiful by encouraging them to write Letters of Love filled with positive affirmations of self-love. The notes served as an inspirational reminder for people to love themselves the way they love others, celebrating that true beauty originates from within just as ingestible skin care works from the inside out. During our travels from the snowy streets of Park City, UT at the Sundance Film Festival to the farm fields of Franklin, TN during the Pilgrimage Music Festival, to a yogi-packed park in Brooklyn, NY, we sought to open the hearts of prospective Love Letter writers. Ironically, it was our team that inevitably had our souls nourished by the heartwarming dialogue we shared with people.
At Wanderlust In Squaw Valley, we witnessed kids pouring out their unbridled thoughts of awesomeness directed towards “Mr. Handsome” and “Gorgeous,” and we quickly learned that there is nothing purer and more innocent than helping them write and address their very first postcard. On the flipside, sometimes it took a trusted friend or significant other to help nudge a person past their insecurities to realize what makes them beautiful (even for some of the most beautiful talent at the Sundance Film Festival).
At the Pilgrimage Music Festival, we continued the inner beauty conversation by inviting people to write words of beauty and kindness on Frisbees, which we shared with unsuspecting letter writers. These “Flying Fortunes” quickly became sought-after by those wanting to brighten the day of a stranger.
One of the sweetest Letter of Love engagements happened at the Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington, D.C. The entire Miller family wrote a Letter of Love to themselves and one other family member. We continued to deepen our engagement and conversations about inner beauty through our Fitness Ambassador Kira Stokes as she crossed the finish line with fellow competitors during multiple events at the GoPro Mountain Games. In similar spirit, our Yoga Ambassador Kristin McGee initiated the conversation to #rethinkbeautiful by inviting yogis at Wanderlust 108 in Brooklyn to join her in practicing Chair Yoga.
We continued to write Letters of Love to ourselves at every tour stop, and while I was the one mailing the letters when least expected, I continually surprised myself with bliss every time I received one of my letters. And for this very reason, I am thoroughly excited to see where the Letter of Love Tour will take us, and how it will continue to nourish more souls in 2018.
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