In fact, as time goes on, the nutraceutical and cosmetics industries have been getting closer and closer, and are now fully embracing their intersections, and for a reason. Not only can nutraceuticals support the efforts of cosmetics, but they can also learn from each other and grow more efficient.
The idea behind our Beauty from Within Portfolio
At its genesis, Lycored’s mission was to share the power of lycopene with the world. Indeed, our very first product launched in 1995 is none other than Lycomato, one of our nutracosmetic products. We later diversified our portfolio with more carotenoid products and food ingredients.
Lycored was inspired by the power of the Mediterranean diet and wanted to make its benefits available around the world, acknowledging the differences in diet, motivation, and habits in different places of the world. Nutraceuticals were and remain a great and practical way to spread the power of Lycopene and our other actives to all and everyone.
Beauty from Within was born.
Skin health and wellness from the inside out
Skin health and wellness is the result of not only diet, but also lifestyle, genetics, and a whole lot of things that may not be in one’s control. Waging the gap between the Perfect Skin Lifestyle™ and real life, supplements and other nutraceutical products seem to be a very practical solution.
Skincare, and especially sun protection is still an important step to keeping skin feeling and looking healthy. But however focused and effective topical solutions can be, they tend to remain on the surface of the skin. In fact, only a few ingredients (such as vitamin C and retinol) can penetrate the skin and reach the dermis.
Helping skin on the surface is still great, but it can be made even more efficient when coupled with a solution that could act on the deeper layers of skin from the inside out. Plus, supplements can improve other aspects of the body, like immunity or heart health!
Our Beauty from Within Portfolio
Enter our Beauty from within our portfolio. Our collection of skin-deep products acts on the cellular level to improve skin from the inside. Our nutraceuticals are not all dedicated to skin, most of our product’s benefits aim to improve general health to set our body up for success to rock a Lycoglow.
Let’s learn about them:
Our standardized extract contains optimal concentrations of lycopene and vital vitamins, to help support both skin health and appearance. Lycomato is highly bioavailable and creates a carotenoid reservoir. The body can then start utilizing these carotenoids to improve blood flow and circulation, which in turn can improve skin health and appearance.
You can dive deeper into Lycomato’s (scientific) magic here!
Our proprietary breed of golden tomato was born for beauty from within; and unlike our other tomato-based skin solutions, Lumenato’s hero phytonutrients don’t include Lycopene. Lumenato’s blend of phytoene and phytofluene can help reduce trans-epidermal water loss and the production of markers for oxidative damage.
And wait until you learn how it can help reduce collagen degradation: find out here!
Our blend of tomato extract and rosemary leaf extract is carefully calibrated to maximize the concentration of lycopene, phytoene phytofluene, and carnosic acid. By building up a natural reservoir of free radical-fighting phytonutrients through supplementation, Lycoderm can help balance the effects of oxidative stress and inflammation.
Lycoderm can also help reduce signs of aging. Learn all about its approach here!
Lycopene is at the center of a lot of our products, but it can still be very efficient on its own.
Our earlier research and work in the world of lycopene and tomato extracts, have put us in a unique position to produce nutraceuticals with cosmetic benefits. We’re always eager to hear your thoughts, insights, or questions about our beauty from within portfolio. Feel free to contact us here!